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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective involute has 2 senses
  1. involute, rolled - especially of petals or leaves in bud; having margins rolled inward
    Antonyms: uncoiled, straight (indirect, via coiled)
  2. involute - (of some shells) closely coiled so that the axis is obscured
    uncoiled, straight (indirect, via coiled)

Definitions from the Web

Term: Involuted

Part of Speech: Adjective

Definition 1: Complicated or intricate in structure or design.

Sample Sentence: The artist's painting displayed an involuted pattern that captivated the viewers.

Definition 2: Curled or spiraled inward.

Sample Sentence: The leaf of the fern has an involuted shape, creating a visually stunning display.

Part of Speech: Verb (transitive)

Definition: To turn inward or coil upon itself.

Sample Sentence: The caterpillar involutes itself into a cocoon, transforming into a butterfly.

Part of Speech: Adjective, Biology

Definition: Rolled inward or forming a spiral.

Sample Sentence: The involuted petals of the flower gave it a distinctive appearance.

Part of Speech: Noun, Mathematics

Definition: A curve or surface that is intricately coiled or convoluted.

Sample Sentence: The mathematician studied the properties of an involute to solve complex equations.

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