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invert soap


Definitions from WordNet

Noun invert soap has 1 sense
  1. cationic detergent, invert soap - a class of synthetic detergents in which the surface-active part of the molecule is the cation
    --1 is a kind of detergent
    --1 has particulars: cetrimide

Definitions from the Web

Invert Soap


An invert soap refers to a type of soap that is crafted using natural ingredients and is rich in glycerin. It is known for its ability to cleanse the skin while maintaining its natural moisture and pH balance.


1. Noun: Invert soap is often used as a gentle facial cleanser due to its nourishing properties.

Example Sentence: I love using invert soap in the morning to cleanse my face and give it a fresh glow.

2. Verb: To invert soap means to lather and apply the soap to the body, creating a luxurious and moisturizing bathing experience.

Example Sentence: She likes to invert soap onto a loofah and gently scrub her body for a pampering shower.

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