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Adjective inferential has 5 senses
  1. inferential, illative - relating to or having the nature of illation or inference; "the illative faculty of the mind"
  2. inferential - of reasoning; proceeding from general premisses to a necessary and specific conclusion
    inductive (indirect, via deductive)
  3. illative, inferential - resembling or dependent on or arrived at by inference; "an illative conclusion"; "inferential reasoning"
    Antonym: inductive (indirect, via deductive)
  4. inferential - derived or capable of being derived by inference
    denotative, denotive (indirect, via connotative)
  5. inferential - based on interpretation; not directly expressed
    destructive (indirect, via constructive)
infer infer from inferable inferactive inferance infere inference inferences inferential inferior inferior inferior alveolar artery inferior cerebellar artery inferior cerebral vein inferior colliculus inferior conjunction inferior court

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