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inert gasses

Noun inert gas has 1 sense
  1. noble gas, inert gas, argonon - any of the chemically inert gaseous elements of the helium group in the periodic table
    --1 is a kind of chemical element, element; gas
    --1 has particulars:
     argon, Ar, atomic number 18; helium, He, atomic number 2; krypton, Kr, atomic number 36; neon, Ne, atomic number 10; radon, Rn, atomic number 86; xenon, Xe, atomic number 54
inernet inerrable inerrancy inerrant inerrate inersecting planes inert inert gas inert gasses inert noble gases inerted inertia inertial inertial frame inertial guidance inertial guidance system inertial mass

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