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Definitions from WordNet

Noun incasement has 1 sense
  1. encasement, incasement - the act of enclosing something in a case
    --1 is a kind of enclosure, enclosing, envelopment, inclosure
    Derived form: verb incase1

Definitions from the Web

Term: Incasement

Part of Speech: Noun
Definition: The act or process of enclosing or surrounding something completely.

Sense 1:

  • A protective covering that encloses something to provide security, safety, or preservation.
  • A case used to contain or store delicate or valuable items.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The diamond ring was stored in a sturdy incasement to protect it from damage.
  2. They used a mobile phone incasement to shield their device from drops and scratches.

Sense 2:

  • The process of enclosing organisms or objects in a particular habitat or environment.

Sample Sentence:

  1. The researcher studied the incasement of microorganisms in an artificial environment.

Related Products on Amazon: Protective Incasement, Storage Case, Phone Case

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