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impacted tooth


Definitions from WordNet

Noun impacted tooth has 1 sense
  1. impaction, impacted tooth - a disorder in which a tooth is so crowded in its socket that it cannot erupt normally
    --1 is a kind of disorder, upset

Definitions from the Web

Impacted Tooth

Noun: An impacted tooth refers to a tooth that does not fully emerge or erupt through the gum line.

Example sentence 1: Due to the lack of space in the jaw, the wisdom tooth became an impacted tooth.

Example sentence 2: The orthodontist recommended removing the impacted tooth to prevent overcrowding.

Adjective: Describing a tooth that is unable to erupt fully and is blocked by other teeth or bone.

Example sentence 1: The oral surgeon performed a surgical procedure to extract the impacted tooth.

Example sentence 2: The dentist suggested orthodontic treatment to resolve the issue of an impacted tooth.

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