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A hypernym is a word that represents a category or a general term that is broader in meaning and includes more specific terms under it. It is a concept from the field of linguistics and semantics.
As a Noun:
1. In the sentence "Animal is a hypernym for dog, cat, and bird," the word "animal" is the hypernym, while "dog," "cat," and "bird" are its hyponyms.
2. "Furniture" is a hypernym of "chair," "sofa," and "table."
3. "Vehicle" is a broad hypernym that includes "car," "bus," "truck," and "bicycle."
As a Verb:
1. "Generalize" is a verb that describes the action of hypernyming and categorizing various items under a common term.
2. "Categorize" and "classify" are also verbs that can be associated with hypernyming.
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