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Adjective huddled has 2 senses
  1. crouched, crouching, huddled, hunkered, hunkered down - squatting close to the ground; "poorly clothed men huddled low against the wind"; "he stayed in the ditch hunkered down"
    Antonyms: erect, vertical, upright (indirect, via unerect)
  2. huddled - crowded or massed together; "give me...your huddled masses"; "the huddled sheep turned their backs against the wind"
    uncrowded (indirect, via crowded)
Verb huddle has 2 senses
  1. huddle, huddle together - crowd or draw together; "let's huddle together--it's cold!"
    --1 is one way to cluster, constellate, flock, clump
    Derived forms: noun huddle2, noun huddler1
    Sample sentence:
    The crowds huddle in the streets
  2. huddle, cower - crouch or curl up; "They huddled outside in the rain"
    --2 is one way to crouch, stoop, bend, bow
    Derived form: noun huddler2
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s PP
hucksters hud hudby huddersfield huddie leadbetter huddies huddle huddle together huddled huddler huddles huddling hude hudood hudred hudson hudson bay

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