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head home


Definitions from WordNet

Verb head home has 1 sense
  1. go home, head home - return home; "After the movie, we went home"
    --1 is one way to return, go back, get back, come back
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s

Definitions from the Web


head home (phrase)

  1. To begin the journey or direction towards one's place of residence or place of comfort.
  2. To leave or depart from a particular location and go back to one's place of residence or place of comfort.

Example Sentences:

Sense 1:

  1. After a long day at work, I can't wait to head home and relax.
  2. It's getting late, we should head home now or we'll miss the last train.
  3. Once the movie is finished, let's head home before it gets too dark.

Sense 2:

  1. After visiting their grandmother, the kids were ready to head home.
  2. We had a great time at the beach, but now it's time to head home.
  3. Don't forget to grab your belongings before we head home.

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