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hang off


Definitions from the Web


Hang off is a phrasal verb that can be used in various contexts, referring to both popular and local senses. It generally means to suspend, delay, or postpone something temporarily.


  1. Verb:
    • The construction work had to hang off due to bad weather conditions.
    • Can we hang off the meeting until everyone arrives?
  2. Noun:
    • He gave the rope a hang off before climbing down the cliff.
    • She did a hang off of her car keys on the hook by the door.
  3. Adjective:
    • Their hang off attitude towards the project hindered its progress.
    • The hang off decision was met with mixed opinions.
  4. Adverb:
    • The event was supposed to start at 8:00 PM, but it hung off until 9:00 PM.
    • They decided to hang off on announcing the winner until further notice.

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