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Definitions from WordNet

Noun halitus has 1 sense
  1. halitus, exhalation - exhaled breath
    --1 is a kind of breath
    --1 has particulars: halitosis

Definitions from the Web



Halitus is a Latin word that refers to the act of breathing or exhalation.

Parts of speech:

  • Noun


  1. Act of exhaling: The action of breathing out or exhaling.
  2. Bad breath: A state of having an unpleasant or foul-smelling breath.



Halitus is commonly used in scientific or medical contexts to describe the act of exhaling or to refer to bad breath.


In local or informal usage, halitus may be used occasionally to describe bad breath, but it is less commonly used in everyday conversations.

Sample Sentences:


  1. With each halitus, he could see the vapor escaping his mouth in the cold air.
  2. The doctor diagnosed him with halitosis, a condition characterized by persistent halitus.

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