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Definitions from WordNet

Noun haliotis has 1 sense
  1. Haliotis, genus Haliotis - type genus of the family Haliotidae
    --1 is a kind of mollusk genus
    --1 is a member of Haliotidae, family Haliotidae
    --1 has members: abalone, ear-shell

Definitions from the Web



Haliotis is a genus of marine mollusks commonly known as abalone. These shellfish are a prized delicacy and are highly sought after for their unique flavor and vibrant colored shells.

Senses and Usages


Sense: Shellfish of the genus Haliotis, also known as abalone.

Example Sentence: The haliotis, or abalone, is often enjoyed as a sushi ingredient in many Asian cuisines.

Related Products: Abalone Jewelry, Abalone Shells


Sense: Relating to or characteristic of the genus Haliotis or abalone.

Example Sentence: The haliotis shells on display had a mesmerizing iridescent appearance.

Related Products: Abalone Jewelry, Abalone Shells

Local Usage

Sense: In certain coastal regions, "haliotis" might refer specifically to a local variety of abalone found in that area.

Example Sentence: The haliotis harvested from the nearby shores of California are known for their exceptional taste.

Related Products: California Abalone Cookbook, Coastal Abalone Fishing Gear

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