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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective hair-shirt has 1 sense
  1. hair-shirt, hair-shirted - self-sacrificing or austere
Noun hair-shirt has 1 sense
  1. hair shirt - an uncomfortable shirt made of coarse animal hair; worn next to the skin as a penance
    --1 is a kind of shirt

Definitions from the Web



A hair-shirt is a coarse shirt made from rough animal hair cloth, typically worn as a form of religious penance or self-mortification.

Example sentence: He wore a hair-shirt every day as a way to humble himself in religious devotion.

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The term hair-shirt can also be used as an adjective to describe a person or behavior that involves self-punishment, deprivation, or austerity.

Example sentence: The hair-shirt lifestyle he embraced involved living in a bare-bones cabin without any modern conveniences.

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To hair-shirt means to impose acts of self-punishment or penance upon oneself.

Example sentence: In an effort to atone for his past mistakes, he would frequently hair-shirt by fasting for days on end.

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