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hagiography antonyms


Definitions from the Web

Hagiography Antonyms

Term Definition:

Hagiography antonyms refer to words that are opposite in meaning to the term "hagiography." Hagiography itself is the art of writing or study of the lives of saints or holy persons.


  • Slander: In contrast to hagiography, which often portrays saints in a positive light, slander entails making false and damaging statements about someone.
  • Defamation: Defamation refers to damaging someone's reputation through false statements or spreading malicious rumors, opposing the veneration often found in hagiography.
  • Criticism: Criticism involves analyzing and evaluating someone or something, often with negative connotations, unlike hagiography which tends to focus on glorification.
  • Dissidence: Dissidence represents a disagreement or opposition to established beliefs or doctrines, providing an alternative perspective to the veneration commonly associated with hagiography.

Sample Sentences:

  • Her biography of the saint was an honest portrayal, avoiding the hagiography often found in religious texts.
  • The writer's intent was to expose the truth about the saint's life, contradicting the hagiography that had been prevalent for centuries.
  • While hagiography presents an idealistic view of the saint, critics argue that a more balanced examination is necessary to fully understand their contributions.
  • The dissident scholar challenged the traditional hagiographies, shedding light on the less saintly aspects of the figure's life.

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