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haemal arch


Definitions from WordNet

Noun haemal arch has 1 sense
  1. hemal arch, haemal arch - a structure arising ventrally from a vertebral centrum and enclosing the caudal blood vessels
    --1 is a kind of arch
    --1 is a part of centrum

Definitions from the Web

Haemal Arch


A haemal arch is a bony structure found in the spine of certain animals, functioning as a support and protection for the blood vessels that supply the tail or lower body region.


1. Noun - Zoology

a. Popular:

In zoology, a haemal arch refers to the bony structure that supports and protects blood vessels in the tail or lower body region of animals.

b. Local:

In the local region, a haemal arch specifically refers to the bony structure found in the spine of certain marine creatures, such as fish, sharks, and rays, providing support to blood vessels in the tail region.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The haemal arch in the spine of a shark assists in maintaining flexiblity while supporting the blood vessels.
  2. During dissection, the haemal arch in the fish's caudal region was carefully examined.
  3. The haemal arch's strong structure ensures protection of the blood vessels in the lower body region of certain animals.
  4. Scientists are studying the haemal arch in different species to better understand its evolutionary development.

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