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gussied up


Definitions from WordNet

Adjective gussied up has 1 sense
  1. fancied up, gussied, gussied up, tricked out - with superficial adornments added; "all gussied up in sequins and feathers"
    Antonyms: unadorned, undecorated (indirect, via adorned)

Definitions from the Web

Gussied Up


Gussied up is an idiomatic expression that means to dress up or improve the appearance of something or someone, often in a fancier, more extravagant manner.


As a Verb:

  1. She gussied up her living room with new curtains and fancy furniture.
  2. The bride gussied herself up in a beautiful white gown and a veil.

As an Adjective:

  1. The gussied-up house was decorated with Christmas lights and ornaments.
  2. He arrived at the party wearing a gussied-up tuxedo with a bowtie.

As an Adverb:

  1. The restaurant is known for serving ordinary dishes but gussied them up with unique spices.
  2. She quickly gussied up for the meeting by combing her hair and putting on a fresh coat of lipstick.

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