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grey water


Definitions from the Web

Grey Water


Grey water refers to the wastewater produced from household activities such as bathing, laundry, and dishwashing. Unlike black water which contains fecal matter, grey water only contains minimal contaminants, making it suitable for certain non-potable uses such as garden irrigation or toilet flushing.


Noun (Singular):

1. We installed a separate plumbing system to divert grey water for garden irrigation.

2. The grey water from the kitchen sink can be reused for flushing the toilet.

Noun (Collective):

1. The municipality encourages residents to properly treat and recycle their grey water.

2. Grey water recycling can significantly reduce a household's overall water usage.


1. The grey water tank needs to be cleaned regularly to prevent unpleasant odors.

2. Grey water systems are becoming increasingly popular as an eco-friendly alternative to traditional plumbing systems.

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