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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective grayish has 1 sense
  1. gray, grey, grayish, greyish - an achromatic color of any lightness between the extremes of black and white; "gray flannel suit"; "hair just turning gray"
    Antonym: chromatic (indirect, via achromatic)

Definitions from the Web

Term: grayish

Part of Speech: Adjective


Sense 1:

Definition: Having a somewhat gray color.

Example Sentence: The sky had a grayish hue, indicating an approaching storm.

Sense 2:

Definition: Having characteristics or qualities resembling gray.

Example Sentence: She had a grayish personality, always staying in the background.


Popular Usage:

Definition: Widely used or recognized.

Example Sentence: Jeans are a popular clothing item with a grayish color.

Local Usage:

Definition: Pertaining to a specific region or locality.

Example Sentence: The local dialect uses the term "grayish" to describe the color of the mountains.

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