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Adjective good-for-nothing has 1 sense
  1. good-for-nothing, good-for-naught, meritless, no-account, no-count, no-good, sorry - without merit; "a sorry horse"; "a sorry excuse"; "a lazy no-count, good-for-nothing goldbrick"; "the car was a no-good piece of junk"
    Antonym: valuable (indirect, via worthless)
Noun good-for-nothing has 1 sense
  1. goldbrick, goof-off, ne'er-do-well, good-for-nothing, good-for-naught - an idle worthless person
    --1 is a kind of idler, loafer, do-nothing, layabout, bum
goo goo goober goober pea gooble goobledygooks good-by good-bye good-for-naught good-for-nothing good-grief good-hearted good-hummored good-humored good-humoredness good-humoured good-judgement good-king-henry

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