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geographic expedition


Definitions from WordNet

Noun geographic expedition has 1 sense
  1. exploration, geographic expedition - to travel for the purpose of discovery
    --1 is a kind of expedition

Definitions from the Web

Geographic Expedition


A geographic expedition refers to a carefully planned journey to explore and study a particular geographical area. These expeditions are conducted for various purposes such as scientific research, mapping, or documenting unexplored territories. They often involve a team of explorers equipped with specialized equipment and knowledge in fields such as geography, geology, anthropology, or ecology.

Sample Sentences:

As a Noun:

1. The National Geographic Society organized a geographic expedition to the Amazon rainforest to study its biodiversity.

2. His grandfather's detailed journal from the geographic expeditions of Antarctica served as a valuable reference for his research project.

As a Verb:

1. The adventurous scientist planned to geographic expedition remote islands in search of undiscovered plant species.

2. They decided to geographic expedition the uncharted desert to create a detailed map of its geographical features.

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