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Definitions from WordNet

Noun geoglossum has 1 sense
  1. Geoglossum, genus Geoglossum - type genus of the Geoglossaceae comprising the earthtongues
    --1 is a kind of fungus genus
    --1 is a member of Geoglossaceae, family Geoglossaceae
    --1 has members: earthtongue, earth-tongue

Definitions from the Web


Noun - Biology

Geoglossum refers to a genus of fungi in the family Geoglossaceae, commonly known as earth tongues. These fungi are characterized by elongated, slender stems topped with a spore-bearing structure called a peridium. Geoglossum species can be found worldwide and play a vital role in the decomposition of organic matter.

Sample Sentence: The geoglossum protruded from the forest floor, its black stem contrasting against the vibrant green moss.

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Noun - Local

In local communities, "Geoglossum" is a term used to describe a trendy coffee shop known for its unique selection of beverages and cozy ambiance. Customers often gather at Geoglossum to socialize, work, or simply enjoy a cup of artisanal coffee.

Sample Sentence: Let's meet at Geoglossum this afternoon to catch up over some delicious lattes.

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