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genus vedalia


Definitions from WordNet

Noun genus vedalia has 1 sense
  1. Rodolia, genus Rodolia, genus Vedalia - genus of Australian ladybugs
    --1 is a kind of arthropod genus
    --1 is a member of Coccinellidae, family Coccinellidae
    --1 has members: vedalia, Rodolia cardinalis

Definitions from the Web

Genus Vedalia

Noun (Biological): The genus Vedalia represents a group of small ladybird beetles that belong to the family Coccinellidae. They are primarily known for their ability to control populations of destructive cottony cushion scale insects.

Sample Sentence: The genus Vedalia is highly effective in biological pest control as it preys on cottony cushion scales, protecting agricultural crops naturally.

Adjective: When used as an adjective, Vedalia refers to anything related to or associated with the genus Vedalia.

Sample Sentence: The researcher dedicated years to the study of Vedalia beetles, their behavior, and their impact on ecosystems.

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