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Definitions from WordNet

Noun frump has 1 sense
  1. frump, dog - a dull unattractive unpleasant girl or woman; "she got a reputation as a frump"; "she's a real dog"
    --1 is a kind of unpleasant woman, disagreeable woman

Definitions from the Web


Noun - Popular usage

A frump refers to a person, typically a woman, who is considered to be unfashionable, dowdy, or lacking in style and sophistication.

Sample sentence: She always wore outdated clothes and had unkempt hair, making her the neighborhood frump.

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Noun - Local usage

In local communities, a frump can also refer to a dull, boring, or uninteresting person.

Sample sentence: The party was filled with frumps, conversing about mundane topics.

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Verb - Popular usage

To frump means to dress or present oneself in an unattractive or old-fashioned way.

Sample sentence: She decided to frump up for the costume party, wearing an outdated dress and a messy wig.

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Verb - Local usage

In certain regions, frump can also mean to act in a gloomy, uninspired, or unenthusiastic manner.

Sample sentence: The team frumped through the game, showing no passion or drive to win.

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Adjective - Popular usage

As an adjective, frump describes something or someone that is old-fashioned, unfashionable, or lacking in style.

Sample sentence: The vintage store was known for its frump dresses, reminiscent of a bygone era.

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