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fried rice


Definitions from WordNet

Noun fried rice has 1 sense
  1. fried rice, Chinese fried rice - boiled rice mixed with scallions and minced pork or shrimp and quickly scrambled with eggs
    --1 is a kind of dish

Definitions from the Web

Fried Rice

Definition: Fried rice is a dish made from cooked rice that is stir-fried with various ingredients such as vegetables, meat, eggs, and seasonings.

  1. Noun: I ordered a plate of delicious fried rice from the Chinese restaurant.
  2. Verb: Would you like me to fry the leftover rice to make fried rice?
  3. Adjective: The Thai restaurant serves exceptional fried rice dishes.
  4. Adverb: I like to eat fried rice with spicy kimchi.
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