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fort up


Definitions from WordNet

Verb fort up has 1 sense
  1. fort, fort up - gather in, or as if in, a fort, as for protection or defense
    --1 is one way to meet, gather, assemble, forgather, foregather
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s
    Somebody ----s PP

Definitions from the Web

Fort Up


Fort Up is a phrasal verb that can be used in various contexts to describe the act of strengthening or fortifying a place or oneself.

Possible Senses and Usages:

Sense 1: To reinforce a physical structure

In this context, "fort up" means to strengthen a building or fortification, usually by adding additional barriers or protections.

Example Sentence:

"After several break-ins, the homeowner decided to fort up their house by installing security cameras and reinforced doors."

Sense 2: To prepare oneself mentally or emotionally

This usage refers to the act of mentally or emotionally strengthening oneself in preparation for a difficult or challenging situation.

Example Sentence:

"She had to fort up before giving her presentation to the large audience."

Sense 3: To take shelter or hide in a secure location

This sense of "fort up" suggests finding a safe spot to protect oneself from potential dangers or threats.

Example Sentence:

"As the storm approached, the campers quickly fort up in their tents to wait it out."

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