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Definitions from WordNet

Noun floorwalker has 1 sense
  1. floorwalker, shopwalker - an employee of a retail store who supervises sales personnel and helps with customer problems; "a floorwalker is called a shopwalker in England"
    --1 is a kind of employee

Definitions from the Web


Noun (1)

A floorwalker is a person employed in a retail store who supervises employees and assists customers.

Sample sentence: The floorwalker helped the customer locate the item she was looking for.

Related products: Retail management books

Noun (2)

In certain industries, a floorwalker refers to an employee who monitors and maintains order in a specific area, such as a manufacturing plant or an office.

Sample sentence: The floorwalker made sure everyone followed safety protocols in the factory.

Related products: Industrial safety equipment

Noun (3)

In early 20th-century theaters, a floorwalker was an usher or attendant who guided patrons to their seats and ensured smooth operations.

Sample sentence: The elegant floorwalker escorted the couple to their box seats.

Related products: Theater history books


Used as a verb, floorwalker means to supervise or oversee a place or a group of people.

Sample sentence: The manager floorwalked the entire store to ensure everything was in order.

Related products: Supervisory management resources

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