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fish stick


Definitions from WordNet

Noun fish stick has 1 sense
  1. fish stick, fish finger - a long fillet of fish breaded and fried
    --1 is a kind of dish

Definitions from the Web

Fish Stick


A fish stick refers to a processed food product made from fish fillets that is coated in batter or breading and typically frozen. It is commonly shaped like a stick or a finger.


Sense 1:

Noun: A pre-prepared frozen fish product.

Example: I usually buy a pack of fish sticks from the grocery store and prepare them for a quick dinner.

Sense 2:

Noun: A term used colloquially to refer to a person who resembles a fish due to their appearance or behavior.

Example: John's pouty lips and big eyes make him look like a fish stick, but he's actually very charming.

Sense 3:

Verb: To skewer or impale fish onto a stick for grilling or roasting.

Example: We decided to fish stick our freshly caught trout and roast them over the campfire.

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