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Definitions from WordNet

Noun executability has 1 sense
  1. executability - capable of being executed; "the job is executable for two million dollars"; "this contract is not executable"
    --1 is a kind of
    capability, capableness

Definitions from the Web


Definition: The quality or state of being capable of being executed or carried out.

Sense 1: (Noun) The ability of a program or software to be executed or run successfully.

Example sentence: The executability of the new software was confirmed after thorough testing.

Sense 2: (Noun) The potential for a document, contract, or legal instrument to be enforceable or legally binding.

Example sentence: The executability of the contract depended on the fulfillment of certain conditions mentioned in the agreement.

Sense 3: (Noun) The feasibility or practicality of implementing a plan or strategy.

Example sentence: The executability of the proposed marketing campaign was questioned due to budget constraints.

Sense 4: (Adjective) Referring to something that possesses the quality of being executable or capable of being carried out.

Example sentence: The executability of the solution proposed by the consulting firm was praised by the management.

Sense 5: (Adjective) Indicating something that is recognized or accepted within a specific local context or community.

Example sentence: The costume worn by the dancer during the local festival was an executability of the traditional cultural attire.

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