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Term: Execution


The term "execution" refers to the act or process of carrying out a plan, action, or task. It can also refer to the implementation of a legal judgment resulting in the punishment of a convicted criminal.


Part of Speech: Noun - Action

Example Sentence: The execution of a well-thought-out marketing strategy can greatly impact the success of a business.

Part of Speech: Noun - Legal Punishment

Example Sentence: The execution of the convicted murderer was scheduled for next week.

Part of Speech: Noun - Computer Science

Example Sentence: The program is experiencing errors during execution.

Part of Speech: Noun - Artistic Performance

Example Sentence: The ballet troupe delivered an outstanding execution of the classic piece.

Part of Speech: Noun - Business

Example Sentence: The successful execution of the company's expansion plan led to significant growth.

Part of Speech: Noun - Stock Market

Example Sentence: The execution of the trade order was efficiently handled by the broker.

Part of Speech: Verb

Example Sentence: I will execute the tasks you assigned to me promptly.

Part of Speech: Verb - Capital Punishment

Example Sentence: The government plans to execute the criminal by lethal injection.

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