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example for bungle


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Part of Speech: Verb

Definition: To carry out or handle (a task, job, or situation) clumsily or incompetently.

Sense 1: To make a mess of; to botch or ruin something due to careless or inefficient behavior.

Example sentence 1: The new intern bungled the presentation by forgetting key points and stumbling over words.

Example sentence 2: The chef bungled the souffle, resulting in a flat and inedible dessert.

Related products on Amazon: Bungling Books, Bungle Board Game

Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: An act or instance of bungling.

Sense 1: A clumsy or incompetent action or mistake.

Example sentence 1: The politician's multiple bungles during the debate cost him the support of many voters.

Example sentence 2: The director's bungle had the entire cast and crew scrambling to fix the production before opening night.

Related products on Amazon: Bungling Fools DVD, Bungled Crimes: When Criminals Fail

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