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escape expert


Definitions from WordNet

Noun escape expert has 1 sense
  1. escapologist, escape expert - someone who is expert in the art of escaping
    --1 is a kind of magician, prestidigitator, conjurer, conjuror, illusionist

Definitions from the Web

Term: Escape Expert


An escape expert refers to a person who possesses exceptional skills in devising and executing plans for breaking free from confinement or challenging situations.


  1. Noun (Person): John is considered an escape expert with his ability to find loopholes and flee from any lock-up.
  2. Sample Sentence: The police had a hard time catching the notorious criminal as he was an escape expert, leaving no trace behind.

  3. Adjective: The escape expert advice helped the prisoners devise a successful plan to flee from the high-security prison.
  4. Sample Sentence: With their escape expert knowledge, the inmates were able to outsmart the guards and escape undetected.

  5. Noun (Thing): The book "Escape Expert Secrets" is a comprehensive guide to becoming an escape expert.
  6. Sample Sentence: Reading the "Escape Expert Secrets" enabled me to learn various techniques and skills for escaping challenging situations.

  7. Adjective: The escape expert tactics taught in the self-defense class proved to be effective in real-life situations.
  8. Sample Sentence: Applying the escape expert skills I acquired in the class, I easily freed myself from the attacker's grip.

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