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Noun enlargement has 3 senses
  1. expansion, enlargement - the act of increasing (something) in size or volume or quantity or scope
    --1 is a kind of increase, step-up
    --1 has particulars:
     dilation, dilatation; distention, distension; stretching; inflation; magnification; extension
    Derived form: verb enlarge1
  2. expansion, enlargement, elaboration - a discussion that provides additional information
    --2 is a kind of discussion, treatment, discourse
    --2 has particulars: expatiation; embellishment, embroidery
    Derived form: verb enlarge4
  3. enlargement, blowup, magnification - a photographic print that has been enlarged
    --3 is a kind of photograph, photo, exposure, pic
    Derived form: verb enlarge2
enkindled enklassen enl enlace enlargable enlarge enlarged enlarged heart enlargement enlargements enlarger enlarges enlarging enlat enlighenment enlight enlighted

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