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elimination tournament


Definitions from WordNet

Noun elimination tournament has 1 sense
  1. elimination tournament - a tournament in which losers are eliminated in successive rounds
    --1 is a kind of
    tournament, tourney
    --1 has parts: final; quarterfinal; semifinal, semi

Definitions from the Web

Elimination Tournament

Definition: An elimination tournament is a competition in which participants compete against each other, and the losers of each round are eliminated until a single winner is determined.

Senses and Usages:

  1. Sense: Sports Competition
    Usage: In the elimination tournament, teams face off in a series of matches, and the losing teams are progressively eliminated until only one team remains victorious.
  2. Sense: Gaming Events
    Usage: The elimination tournament in the game attracts thousands of players who battle against each other until the final victor emerges.
  3. Sense: Reality TV Shows
    Usage: The popular reality show features contestants who compete against one another in an elimination tournament to win the grand prize.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The elimination tournament scheduled for next month will determine the best soccer team in the region.
  2. After participating in the elimination tournament, she advanced to the semi-finals.
  3. Many online gaming platforms host elimination tournaments where players from different countries can compete.
  4. The elimination tournament on television had the audience on the edge of their seats.
  5. John was disappointed when he got eliminated from the tournament in the first round.

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