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drone attack


Definitions from the Web

Drone Attack

Definition: A drone attack refers to the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) to carry out targeted strikes or attacks on a specific target.

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1:

Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: An act of military aggression where a drone is deployed to launch a strike on a particular target.

Example Sentence: The drone attack on the enemy's military base resulted in significant damage to their infrastructure.

Related Products: Drones for Attack

Sense 2:

Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: A deliberate act of using a drone to launch an attack, typically targeting civilians or public places.

Example Sentence: The drone attack on the crowded marketplace caused mass panic and resulted in several casualties.

Related Products: Drone Security Systems

Sense 3:

Part of Speech: Verb

Definition: To carry out an attack or strike using a drone.

Example Sentence: The military decided to drone attack the insurgent group's hideout to neutralize their threat efficiently.

Related Products: Drone Components

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