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Definitions from WordNet

Noun drawler has 1 sense
  1. drawler - someone who speaks with a drawl
    --1 is a kind of
    speaker, talker, utterer, verbalizer, verbaliser
    Derived form: verb drawl1

Definitions from the Web


A drawler refers to someone who speaks with a drawn-out, elongated, or exaggerated manner of pronunciation.


As a Noun:

  • She listened to the esteemed professor intently, although she found him a rather monotonous drawler.
  • The comedian mimicked a famous drawler, delivering an amusing parody of their peculiar speech style.

As a Verb:

  • She decided to drawl her words just for fun, intentionally portraying herself as a drawler.
  • The little boy drawls his sentences, often irritating his teacher during classroom discussions.

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