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Definitions from WordNet

Verb delude has 1 sense
  1. deceive, lead on, delude, cozen - be false to; be dishonest with
    --1 is one way to victimize, victimise
    Derived forms: noun delusion1, noun delusion2, noun delusion3
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s somebody
    Something ----s somebody

Definitions from the Web



Deluding is the present participle of the verb "delude." It refers to the act of deceiving or misleading someone intentionally.


As a verb:

1. He enjoys deluding others with his clever tricks.

2. Don't let anyone delude you into thinking you're not capable.

As a noun:

1. The magician's deluding of the audience amazed everyone.

2. She saw through the delusion and exposed the fraud.

As an adjective:

1. He is known for his deluding behavior, often leading people astray.

2. The deluding thoughts in her mind prevented her from making rational decisions.

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