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Noun deck has 4 senses
- deck - any of various floor-like platforms built into a vessel
--1 is a kind of platform
--1 is a part of ship
--1 has particulars:
- deck - street name for a packet of illegal drugs
--2 is a kind of packet
- pack of cards, deck of cards, deck - a pack of 52 playing cards
--3 is a kind of pack
--3 has members: playing card; queen; suit
- deck - a porch that resembles the deck on a ship
--4 is a kind of porch
--4 has particulars: sun deck
Verb deck has 3 senses
- deck, adorn, decorate, grace, embellish, beautify - be beautiful to look at; "Flowers adorned the tables everywhere"
--1 is one way to be
Sample sentence:
Holly flowers deck the halls
- deck, bedight, bedeck - decorate; "deck the halls with holly"
--2 is one way to decorate, adorn, grace, ornament, embellish, beautify
Sample sentence:
They deck the halls with holly
- deck, coldcock, dump, knock down, floor - knock down with force; "He decked his opponent"
--3 is one way to beat
Sample sentence:
The fighter managed to deck his opponent