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de jury


Definitions from the Web

de jury

Part of Speech: noun

Sense: a group of people selected to judge a competition or decide a case


  1. The de jury deliberated for hours before reaching a verdict.
  2. The winners of the talent show were chosen by a panel of de jury.
  3. The lawyer tried to convince the de jury that his client was innocent.

Part of Speech: adjective

Sense: related to the jury or its actions


  1. The de jury decision was unanimous.
  2. The de jury duty was a long and tedious process.
  3. The accused awaited the de jury trial anxiously.

Part of Speech: verb

Sense: to serve as a member of a jury


  1. She was summoned to de jury and could not escape her civic duty.
  2. He declined the invitation to de jury.
  3. They were proud to have been selected to de jury for such an important case.

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