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de javu


Definitions from the Web



Dejavu refers to the feeling of having experienced something before, even though it is happening for the first time. It is often described as a strong sensation of familiarity.

Parts of Speech:

  • Noun
  • Adjective



  1. The feeling or illusion that one has previously witnessed or experienced a current situation or event.
  2. Something that is oddly familiar or reminiscent of a previous experience.


  1. Referred to a situation, event, or thing that gives rise to a feeling of Déjà vu.



  1. I experienced such strong dejavu when I entered the abandoned house; I was certain that I had been there before.
  2. The movie's plot had a strong sense of dejavu, reminding me of a similar story I had seen years ago.


  1. As I approached the old mansion, a dejavu sensation swept over me.
  2. The restaurant's interior had a dejavu vibe, resembling a café I used to visit in my hometown.

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