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come into being


Definitions from WordNet

Verb come into being has 1 sense
  1. come to life, come into being - be born or come into existence; "All these flowers come to life when the rains come"
    --1 is one way to be born
    Sample sentences:
    Something ----s
    Somebody ----s

Definitions from the Web

  1. Term: come into being
    • Part of Speech: Verb phrase
    • Sense 1: To come into existence; to be created or formed
    • Usage:

  2. Description: "come into being" refers to the act of something being brought into existence or formation. It implies the transition from non-existence to existence. It can be used figuratively to describe the birth or creation of ideas, beliefs, or abstract concepts.
  3. Sample Sentences:

come forth come forward come hell or high water come home come in come in for come in handy come into come into being come near come next come of age come off come on come on oveer come on over come out

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