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cold cuts


Definitions from WordNet

Noun cold cuts has 1 sense
  1. cold cuts - sliced assorted cold meats
    --1 is a kind of
    --1 has particulars: lunch meat, luncheon meat

Definitions from the Web

Cold Cuts


Cold cuts refer to a variety of pre-cooked and ready-to-eat sliced or chopped meats, typically served cold, such as ham, roast beef, turkey, or salami. They are commonly used in sandwiches, salads, or as an accompaniment for cheese or crackers.


  1. Noun: Assorted cooked and cured meats, usually sliced or chopped, that are kept refrigerated until consumed.
  2. Noun: A cold-cut sandwich made with one or more types of cold cuts and various additional ingredients such as lettuce, tomato, cheese, or condiments.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The deli offers a wide variety of cold cuts, including ham, turkey, and pastrami.
  2. For lunch, I had a delicious cold-cut sandwich with roast beef, provolone cheese, and pickles.
  3. To prepare a charcuterie board, arrange an assortment of cold cuts, cheeses, and crackers.

For more information and to explore a range of cold cuts, you can search for related products on Amazon.

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