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Part of Speech: Noun

1. The act of collaborating or working together with others towards a common goal.

Example: The collaboration between the two teams resulted in a successful project.

Part of Speech: Verb

1. To work jointly with others or cooperate.

2. To contribute and share ideas or resources towards a shared objective.

Example: The employees collaborated on the presentation to deliver a comprehensive overview.

Example: We should all collaborate on this project to ensure its success.

Part of Speech: Adjective

1. Describing something that is created or achieved through collaboration.

Example: The team's collaboration efforts resulted in a collaborative project outcome.

Part of Speech: Adverb

1. Describing an action done in a collaborative manner.

Example: The team members worked collaboratively to solve the complex problem.

Part of Speech: Local Term

1. In a local context, "colaboraci" can refer to a specific type of collaboration or cooperation unique to a particular locality or community.

Example: The neighbors formed a colaboraci to organize a local charity event.

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