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cola nut


Definitions from WordNet

Noun cola nut has 1 sense
  1. kola nut, cola nut - bitter brown seed containing caffein; source of cola extract
    --1 is a kind of nut
    --1 is a part of
     kola, kola nut, kola nut tree, goora nut, Cola acuminata
    --1 is a substance of cola, dope

Definitions from the Web

Cola Nut

Definition: The cola nut is the seed of the cola tree native to tropical regions of Africa. It is used as a source of caffeine and flavoring in many popular soft drinks.


  1. A seed obtained from the cola tree, used for their stimulating and energizing effects.

Example sentences:

  1. He chewed on a piece of cola nut to stay alert during the long night shift.
  2. The cola nut is a key ingredient in many traditional African recipes.

Related Products: Find cola nut products on Amazon:

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