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coffee shop


Definitions from WordNet

Noun coffee shop has 1 sense
  1. cafe, coffeehouse, coffee shop, coffee bar - a small restaurant where drinks and snacks are sold
    --1 is a kind of restaurant, eating house, eating place
    --1 has particulars:
     caff; cybercafe; espresso shop; estaminet; pull-in, pull-up

Definitions from the Web

Coffee Shop


A coffee shop is an establishment where coffee is the primary beverage served. It typically offers a variety of coffee drinks, including espressos, lattes, and cappuccinos.

Sense 1: Popular usage

Example Sentence: I like to go to the coffee shop to study and enjoy a cup of coffee.

Sense 2: Local usage

Example Sentence: The local coffee shop is known for its cozy atmosphere and friendly staff.

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