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coffee maker


Definitions from WordNet

Noun coffee maker has 1 sense
  1. coffee maker - a kitchen appliance for brewing coffee automatically
    --1 is a kind of
    kitchen appliance
    --1 has particulars: espresso maker; Silex

Definitions from the Web

Coffee Maker


A coffee maker is a kitchen appliance used to brew coffee. It is designed to efficiently extract the flavors and aromas from coffee grounds by passing hot water through them.


1. Noun - Appliance:

In this sense, a coffee maker refers to the physical device used to brew coffee, commonly consisting of a water reservoir, a heating element, a coffee filter, and a carafe or pot to collect the brewed coffee.

Example sentence: I need to buy a new coffee maker because my old one stopped working.

2. Noun - Individual:

This sense refers to a person who makes or serves coffee, usually in a professional setting like a café, restaurant, or coffee shop.

Example sentence: The coffee maker at my favorite café always greets me with a friendly smile.

Popular Usages:

- Morning routine staple

- Essential appliance for coffee enthusiasts

- Time-saving solution for busy individuals

Local Usages:

In different regions or countries, coffee makers may have specific names or variations based on local traditions or preferences. For example:

- Espresso Machine (Italy)

- French Press (France)

- Ibrik (Turkey)

Related Products:

To find related coffee makers, you can search on Amazon:

Coffee Makers on Amazon
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