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coal miner's lung


Definitions from WordNet

Noun coal miner's lung has 1 sense
  1. anthracosis, black lung, black lung disease, coal miner's lung - lung disease caused by inhaling coal dust
    --1 is a kind of pneumoconiosis, pneumonoconiosis

Definitions from the Web

Coal Miner's Lung


Coal Miner's Lung, also known as black lung disease, is a chronic and potentially fatal occupational lung disease caused by prolonged exposure to coal dust.

Senses and Usages:

  1. Noun (Medical)

    Refers to a respiratory condition that affects coal miners due to the inhalation of coal dust particles.

    Example Sentence:

    Coal miner's lung is a serious and debilitating disease that commonly affects seasoned coal miners.

  2. Noun (Figurative)

    Used metaphorically to describe any occupation-related illness or affliction caused by long-term exposure.

    Example Sentence:

    After years of exposure to harmful chemicals, the painter developed a metaphorical coal miner's lung.

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