Definitions from WordNet
Noun closeup has 1 sense | ||||
Definitions from the WebCloseup (noun) 1. A photograph or movie shot taken at a very close range, capturing subject details. Example sentence: The photographer captured the intricate details of the flower in a stunning closeup. 2. A tight or zoomed-in view of a person's face, often used in movies or TV shows to highlight emotions or expressions. Example sentence: The actor's closeup revealed the intensity in his eyes as he delivered his monologue. Closeup (adjective) 1. Describing something that is magnified or shown in great detail, usually in a photograph or film. Example sentence: The closeup shot of the painting showcased the artist's brushstrokes and color palette. 2. Relating to a confined or restricted space or environment. Example sentence: The closeup quarters on the airplane made it difficult for the passengers to move freely. Related Products: | ||||
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