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chip shot


Definitions from WordNet

Noun chip shot has 1 sense
  1. chip, chip shot - a low running approach shot
    --1 is a kind of approach, approach shot

Definitions from the Web

Chip Shot

Noun: A short, high-arc shot played in golf with a short iron or wedge, intended to loft the ball briefly and make it roll toward the hole.

Example sentence: He executed a perfect chip shot, landing the ball softly on the green and rolling it into the cup for a birdie.

Example sentence: The golfer's chip shot stopped just inches from the hole, giving him an easy putt for par.

Noun: A basketball shot in which the ball is gently tossed just above the rim, using backspin to make it fall softly into the basket.

Example sentence: With a smooth chip shot, the player scored an easy layup, bringing his team within two points.

Example sentence: She practiced chip shots tirelessly until she could consistently score from under the basket.

Noun: A poker move involving placing a small bet followed by a larger one in order to provoke opponents into folding their hands.

Example sentence: Using a clever chip shot, he bluffed his way to victory by forcing all his opponents to fold.

Example sentence: His well-timed chip shot had the other players convinced that he had a winning hand.

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