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Definitions from WordNet

Noun cheesemonger has 1 sense
  1. cheesemonger - someone who sells cheese
    --1 is a kind of
    trader, bargainer, dealer, monger

Definitions from the Web


Noun: A person who sells cheese, usually specializing in a wide variety of high-quality cheeses.

Example sentence: The cheesemonger at the local market recommended a creamy Brie for our cheese platter.

Noun: A shop or store that specializes in selling cheese.

Example sentence: We discovered a hidden gem of a cheesemonger in the neighborhood that offers artisanal cheeses from around the world.

Noun: A person who is knowledgeable about different types of cheese, including their taste profiles, origins, and pairings.

Example sentence: As a passionate cheesemonger, Sarah loves sharing her expertise by hosting cheese tasting events.

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