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Noun chatterer has 2 senses
  1. chatterer, babbler, prater, chatterbox, magpie, spouter - an obnoxious and foolish and loquacious talker
    --1 is a kind of speaker, talker, utterer, verbalizer, verbaliser
    Derived forms: verb chatter5, verb chatter3, verb chatter4
  2. cotinga, chatterer - passerine bird of New World tropics
    --2 is a kind of New World flycatcher, flycatcher, tyrant flycatcher, tyrant bird
    --2 is a member of genus Cotinga
    --2 has particulars:
     cock of the rock, Rupicola rupicola; cock of the rock, Rupicola peruviana; bellbird; umbrella bird, Cephalopterus ornatus
chattels chattels chatter chatter brain chatter mark chatterbots chatterbox chattered chatterer chattering chatterjee chattey chattily chatting chattle chattles chattlization

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